Monday, August 6, 2012

Vegan Sweet Potato, Garbanzo Bean Burgers with Tzatziki

These burgers are quite delicious! The sweet potato and garbanzo bean flavors really compliment each other very well. I decided to make homemade Pita Bread for my burgers but the burgers will taste just as good in lettuce or on any kind of bread. I prefer to serve the burgers with tzatziki but you can use just about any fixins like pickles, greens, bell peppers, olives or tomatoes.  I served mine with just Tzatziki sauce in a lettuce wrap but as a side dish I served 

Makes 6 Burgers

1 can garbanzo beans, drained and rinsed
4 tbs tahini 
2 tsp frozen cilantro (i use dorat frozen cubes)
2 garlic cloves
1 spring onion or green garlic
1 tbs. olive oil 
1 cup sweet potato, mashed
1/4 tsp. baking powder
3/4 cup bread crumbs
1/4 cup sunflower seeds
S&P to taste

3/4 cup grated cucumber
3/4 cup Greek yogurt
1 tbs. red wine vinegar
1 1/2 tbs chopped dill
Combine all ingredients in a bowl and place in the fridge until ready to serve. 

Place the garbanzo beans, tahini, cilantro, garlic, onion, and oil in the food processor and pulse until smooth. Place the garbanzo bean mixture along with the remaining ingredients in a large bowl and stir until mixed well  then place in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. 
Make 6 patties and set aside. 
Heat a large skillet to medium heat and cook the patties for about 7 minutes on each side.  Create your wrap, pita or burger with yummy fixins and enjoy! 

 Htipiti Dip homemade flat bread with Sweet Potato Lettuce Wraps

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