Saturday, December 29, 2012

Amaretto Carob Brownies

Yesterday I had an unfortunate trip to the dentist that cost a lot of money and a lot of time! My poor jaw is so sore and swollen that I had to stay home from work today. I was starting to go stir crazy because there was only so much work I could do from home so I started organizing my kitchen. As I was organizing one of my baking drawers I realized I had a ton of carob powder. I was not quite sure what I wanted to do with it so I searched the web and found all kinds of carob bread and brownie recipes. I was inspired so I created these fluffy carob brownies. They are not very sweet so you may want to go for a cup of sugar. I decided to skimp on the sugar and topped them with home made whip cream topped, dark chocolate & amaretto sauce with pecans.

1/2 cup wheat flour
1/2 cup white flour
1 cup of carob powder
2 tsp baking powder

3 eggs, separated
1 cup almond milk
1/2 cup sugar
1/3 cup amaretto 
1/2 lemon (zest only)

Preheat the oven to 400. In a large mixing bowl add the flour, carob powder and baking powder and set aside. In another bowl add the egg yolks and slowly beat in the sugar. Next mix in the milk lemon zest and amaretto and mix. Add this mixture to the dry ingredients and mix well. In a small bowl whisk the egg whites until peaks form. Fold the egg whites into the batter and pour into an 11x7 inch baking pan. Bake for 30 minutes. 

Dark Chocolate & Amaretto Sauce
1 cup coconut milk or 1 cup heavy cream
2 oz dark chocolate
2 tbs butter
1/4 cup sugar
6 tbs amaretto
1/2 tsp baking powder (if the sauce isn't thickening)

Combine first 4 ingredients and cook on medium heat until smooth, stirring constantly. Stir in the amaretto. If the sauce is not thickening, sift in the baking powder and stir. Bring to a med/high boil stirring constantly for 30 seconds then reduce heat and let it set until thick. 

Makes 1 1/2 cups. 

1 comment:

  1. 3 Studies SHOW How Coconut Oil Kills Fat.

    This means that you literally burn fat by consuming Coconut Fat (in addition to coconut milk, coconut cream and coconut oil).

    These 3 studies from large medicinal magazines are sure to turn the traditional nutrition world around!
