Friday, January 25, 2013

Watermelon Radish & Citrus Salad

I think I have found my favorite raw winter salad. We have been getting lots and lots of radishes in our CSA vegetable share but they aren't something I use often when cooking. I have been trying to get creative and find creative ways to use them but I have been slacking on my radish recipes. This week we got a few oranges and more radishes which reminded me of a salad I saw in a cookbook. I made a few additions to the recipe and added a dressing. This combination of raw vegetables and fruit is such a tasty salad and it is great for you. 
3 watermelon radishes, peeled
1 large jicama, peeled
2 oranges, peeled
1 cucumber

3 tbs orange juice

juice from lemon juice
1 tbs olive oil
1 tbs dijon mustard

Slice the watermelon radish and cucumber into very thin slices and cut in half again into crescents  Peel the oranges making sure to reserve a few pieces to juice for the dressing. You only need is 3 tbs so juice cut first then squeeze the juice. After you peel the jicama cut it into rectangular slices. Mix all these ingredients in a bowl and set aside.

Mix the dressing fixins in a small bowl then toss the salad with a little dressing at a time. Enjoy cold. 

*I served it over lettuce but it also makes a great salad on its own. 

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