Friday, March 29, 2013

Creamy Asiago Pasta with Portobello & Spinach

Last week we went to Hawaii to soak up some sun and take a break from the snow. It was an amazing trip and a much needed getaway. We went diving, canoeing in an outrigger, took a long walk to a semi deserted beach and went on an amazing sunset catamaran canoe cruise  . It's always hard leaving Hawaii but I was happy to get back home to my pup. 

Our flight landed pretty late and by the time we got back to town I had no time to menu plan before the busy weekend of work, so I cheated  I popped in the local grocer and picked up some mushrooms, pasta and a jar of alfredo sauce. I have not bought pasta sauce in a jar/can in quite some time and I was a little disappointed in my self but what can ya do when you have little time to prepare. It was delicious of course but I needed a redemption dinner and here it is. This pasta sauce is simple to make and only takes a few ingredients. You can use just about any cheese but asiago is one of my favorites so that's what I went with and it was scrumptious!  

  • 3 cups of pasta
  • 2 cups of chopped spinach
  • 2 portobello mushroom caps, gills removed and chopped
  • 1 tbs olive oil
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 3 tbs butter
  • 1 cup asiago
  • 1 cup milk
  • 3 tbs flour
  • 5 basil leaves

Bring a large pot of water to boil then add in the pasta and cook for 13-15 minutes.

While the pasta is boiling saute the spinach and the portobello in 1 tbs of olive oil and set aside while you make the sauce. 

Melt the butter in a large pan on low heat. Add in the garlic and a pinch of salt, cook for 3 minutes. Whisk the flour in the milk until all clumps are gone then add into the butter and mix well. Add in the cheese and bring to a boil then quickly reduce to a low heat, stirring constantly. 

Once the pasta is done, drain it and add it along with the portobello and spinach mixture into the cheese sauce, toss well. Serve warm. Garnish with fresh basil and cracked pepper.

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