Sunday, April 21, 2013

Spinach Risotto

It's starting to feel like summer already and I'm loving it. Today the pup and I went on a nice long 13 mile mountain bike ride through mud and snow. Once we got through the the snowy parts the trails were in great condition and we had an awesome time and worked up quite an appetite. 
When I got home the sun was still shinning and I was in the mood to grill up some veggies. I grabbed some asparagus and marinated some portobello mushroom caps in balsamic. The veggies were ready to go now I just need a starch to go with it. I had some spinach and Romano in the fridge and a decent amount of arborio rice in the pantry so I decided to make risotto. I have a charcoal grill so I had plenty of time to make the risotto while the grill was getting ready. Keep in mind risotto takes some baby sitting but it is so worth it! 

Makes 4 servings

1 tbs olive oil

4 garlic cloves, minced 

2 cups finely chopped spinach
1/2 small onion, chopped 

1/4 tsp oregano
1/8 tsp thyme
1/2 tsp dry mustard
S&P1 cup arborio rice
2 1/2 cups of water  
1 cup dry white wine (Pinot Grigio works great)

In a large pot warm the oil to medium heat, then add in the garlic and onions and cook for 3-5 minutes. Add in the arborio rice, seasonings and spinach cook for a 2-3 minutes or until spinach wilts.

Turn the heat up to medium high and pour in the white wine.Once the white wine is absorbed add in 1/2 water, stirring constantly. Once the liquid is mostly absorbed, add in another 1/2 cup of water and continue this process until you have used all of the water.

Make sure to stir constantly to keep the rice from sticking to the bottom of the pot. Once the final added liquid is absorbed turn the heat to low and taste the rice to see if the seasoning is to your liking and add more if necessary, cover until you are ready to serve.

Top with Romano, Asiago or Parmesan cheese. 

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