Monday, May 19, 2014

Spinach Ravioli in Butter Sage

Are you up for a little challenge in the kitchen? Try making a colored ravioli. It is not as hard as you might think and lots of fun! Once you figure it out you can start playing around with other colors like orange pasta (using red bell pepper) or red pasta (using sun dried tomato paste). You can also add any other ingredients you might like into the filling like mushrooms or ground meat. Have a look at my Chestnut Ravioli Recipe for helpful images on making the ravioli.  
Happy cooking!

1 cup of ricotta
1/2 cup grated parmesan or pecorino
dash nutmeg

Mix all ingredients in a bowl and set aside.

2 cups of flour (plus more if needed)
1/2 cup of sautéed spinach, drained and pureed
2 eggs

Place the flour and salt into a mound on a smooth floured surface; create a well in the middle. Crack the egg into the well and lightly beat with a fork while adding in the spinach. Gradually pulling in the flour from the sides in a circular motion until you can't use the fork. At this point start kneading the dough with your hands and continue for 5-8 minutes. If the dough is sticky add in a little flour at a time until you have an elastic ball. Cover in plastic wrap and set aside for 30 minutes. 

Flatten the dough one sheet at a time with a roller or through a pasta machine. Lay out the dough and place a small dollop of filling evenly on one side of the dough. Fold the dough over to cover the filling and cut using a ravioli stamp or pastry cutter. Set each ravioli aside and dust with flour. Carefully place the pasta in boiling water, when they float they are ready.

1 stick of butter
6 sage leaves chopped

Grated parmesan (for topping)

Melt the butter in a large pan with the sage and let it sit on low heat until the pasta is ready. Place the pasta into the butter and top with parmesan. Serve warm.

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