Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Summer Squash & Ricotta Flat Bread Pizza

This has to be one of my most favorite pizza recipes. The combination of zucchini and ricotta is just scrumptious. Like most of the recipes I post this one is also quick and easy! If you don't have the time to make your own pizza dough don't fret, it will still be good. The pizza dough I use is made with an Italian flour that is high in gluten making for extra chewy and tasty pizza dough. 

Makes 1-2 Pizza

1 cup ricotta
3 tbs fresh thyme or oregano
2 garlic cloves, minced
2-3 summer squash or zucchini, shaved thin
1/2 red onion, shaved thin
1/2 cup shredded Parmesan cheese
10 basil leaves sliced

pizza dough  - click here for my favorite dough recipe

Preheat the oven to 450. Roll out your pizza dough and place it on your pizza stone or baking sheet, Brush the pizza dough with olive oil then top with ricotta. Sprinkle on the thyme, garlic cloves and salt. Follow with the zucchini rounds, onions, cherry tomatoes and finish with the tomatoes then parmesan. Bake for 10-15 minutes or until crust starts to brown. Top the pizza with fresh basil and cracked pepper before serving and enjoy! 

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